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Indian Fighter Jets Shot Down By Pak Air Force



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Indian Fighter Jets Shot Down By Pak Air Force

According to a military spokesman, today Pakistan Air Force targeted two air jets and shot down jets in just seconds inside the territory of Pakistan.  
Major General Asif Ghafoor in a twitter message told that aircrafts of India were shot down inside the Pakistan’s air space. These jets illegally crossed the line of control (LOC). He further said that one Indian pilot was also arrested.

Foreign Office Statements

Pakistan Foreign office has given statements that this act of shooting down the Indian aircrafts was done as a retaliation. It further said that this act of shooting down was also done to avoid human lives loss inside Pakistan. Spokesperson of foreign office stated that this act shows the right of self-defense of Pakistan.
Major General Asif Ghafoor in a twitter

In another statement spokesman of foreign further said that India is doing all this by saying that we are taking measures against terrorists but they have not any evidence that they are doing these acts of belligerence against terrorists. In fact they are doing act of terrorism themselves.
Foreign office spokespersons further said that if India will strike on our territory in the name of terrorism then we shall retaliate against them. Yesterday Major General Asif Ghafoor said that Indian media is spreading fake news in their country that they have killed 350 terrorists as this news is not right.

Zahid Hamid on twitter:

Indian Aircraft Shot Down Video

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