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When it comes the marriage, family institution is the first and most important foundation. The family is the leading institution of every single society, as it is the first and main institution which is maintain by GOD by moral principles. In this institution the value of human lives are bounded and trusted into the care of responsible young couples who have no hint of what destiny grasps for their offspring.
Joys of welcoming newborn baby;
To each family is given equal privileges to share the joys of welcoming their newborn into this world, to feel the thrill of taking the first look into the face of a baby. To touch the skin of your own baby and make yourself mature and taking the responsibility for life; you will seek to instill such values that are worthwhile and eternal.
As the natural instinct goes into play to care and protect this new life, you begin contributing to the writing of the destiny of this child's life; what you put into this developing mind, body and soul is what it will become, that also will be your contribution to society and the universe. Parents are given a limited amount of years to frame the lives of their children while given care to them, so the children’s shouldn’t take the trust of them lightly.
The family consists of a man, woman and a children being born to them; that is God's order and should be kept blessed unto Him. It is important that traditional principle should be taught to generation, so that he can protect the holiness and the moral principles which it comes to oversee the humanity. Miscarriage to pay attention to the decline to these morals values is sure to face the severe consequences.
Choice power;
God has given the choice power to each individual, but he or she have to use this on his will. You have to determine your own path in life when you become mature. Everyone have to choose his own path, irrespective of the desire of others. You have to remember that what you want to do and what you will do after that and what recourses you have to cover it up.
Community development;
Community development is based on the families occupancy whose work habits and lifestyle determines that to which extend they lead to the society. Satisfactory consideration is given to the type of educational organizations we provide in definite community, the programs we line up in, and even it is necessary to participate. We set standards to elimination the wanted from the unwanted, we are aware of whom our neighbors are. We look for trust, comfort and security in our environment.
Maintaining family values in society time-outs heavily on family people, but it is impart to teach the family values to our children who hold the future of next generation.