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Marvels First Pakistani Super Hero Movie



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Marvels First Pakistani Super Hero Movie

Marvel is working on making a new movie, which shows a Muslim Pakistani girl Kamala Khan as a superhero for the first time that has been named 'Miss Marvel' in the Comic Books.

This character has already been introduced in Comic Books of Marvel in 2014, so this role will now be presented on a regular film screen and it will be the first time a Muslim character will be presented as a superhero. It will also be the first time a superhero will belong to Pakistan.

Kevin Feige, producer of Avengers Infinity War, told BBC that Miss Marvel is definitely a different figure and another character in their comic books. Also this character is a Muslim girl who is influenced by Captain Marvel.

BeEducated.pk found out that according to Kevin Feige, a new character Captain Marvel will be introduced in 2019. After which Miss Marvel's role will be introduced as the main women lead in her solo film. There are rumours about Marvel starting a Netflix series for Miss Marvel as well.


This female character in the comic book belongs to a Pakistani-American family living in New Jersey. It is not yet finalized that who will play this role or who will lend her voice to it? 

However for the voice of this role, Indian actor Priyanka Chopra can be casted because the magic of her voice has already been delivered through many mobile games of Marvel. 

Priyanka fans are supporting to cast her in this role, but many voices have also been raised that Priyanka is an Indian while this is a role of a Pakistani girl. Also, Priyanka's age is of concern because it is a young girl’s story.

Hopefully, Marvel wil let a Pakistani actress play the role of Miss Marvel because that will be best to represent a Pakistani comic character. It should be someone elegant like Mahira Khan, who charmed everyone on Cannes Film Festival, or someone young and talented as Hania Aamir. For latest news keep on visiting our platform regularly.

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