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UCP held seminar on Pak, China, Russia relations





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UCP held seminar on Pak, China, Russia relations

LAHORE: School of Media and Communication Studies, UCP sorted out a seminar on the changing relations between Pakistan, China and Russia because of the red hot CPEC on Thursday. The class was sorted out to illuminate the understudies of SMCS with respect to the new changes and enhancements seeing someone between Pakistan, China and Russia under the light of CPEC. The occasion was sorted out by the senior understudies of BS program under the supervision of their course teacher. The Seminar began at around 11:30 am and numerous understudies and educators were available. 

The workshop was enlivened by the nearness of visitor speakers Sajjad Mir, Dr. Mughees ud Din Sheik, Salman Aid and Ilyas Ansari. The visitor speakers shared their contemplations and statistical data points to make us mindful of the present circumstance between these nations. 

Visitor speaker Ilyas Ansari while sharing his perspectives on the change of relations said " No nation is a companion to other nation in International Politics" 

Writer Salman Abid said that World governmental issues is experiencing a returning to stage furthermore specified that China's GDP will in the end outperform America GDP. 

Senior Political Analyst Sajjad Mir additionally shared his perspectives and specified that we require best individuals to outline our outside strategy, and we can't generally rely on upon China. 

Senior member of SMCS Prof Dr Mughess ud clamor Sheik additionally went to the workshop and said thanks to the visitor speakers for showing up and addressing understudies on the hot issue. Toward the finish of the workshop boquets were disseminated among the visitors by Dr. Mughees ud Din Sheik.

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