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Rawalpindi Board 9th Class Result 2018 Coming Out in 2 Days



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Rawalpindi Board 9th Class Result 2018 Coming Out in 2 Days

Students you must know that the Rawalpindi Board 9th class result 2018 is coming out in two days’ time. As BISE Rawalpindi has announced to declare the result of 9th class 2018 on Monday (20 August). Now, ninth class students just have to wait another couple of days to know the outcome of their exams. 

Viewing Your Marks Before Everyone Else

All students want to know their 9th result 2018 as quickly as possible, which will only be possible if they check their marks on external educational websites rather than BISE Rawalpindi’s official website. Because if students try to check their ninth class result 2018 from board’s websites then they will have to wait for long hours before their mark sheet loads on their screens. 

Thus, avoiding all the waiting and difficulties, you should check your marks on educational websites, like our website BeEducated.pk, which upload the 9th class result 2018 Rawalpindi Board on their platforms.

All Ways to Find Out Your Marks

We have already discussed one option to check your mark sheet. Now, we will be discussing all other ways of find out your marks. Students you may:

•    View your ninth outcome on official website of BISE Rawalpindi.
•    Checking ninth result 2018 in gazettes, which will be available for purchase in all affiliated districts of Rawalpindi board.
•    Receiving your mark sheet on your mobile phone after sending an SMS to the board’s given number with your roll number in the text body.

Outcomes After SSC Part 1 result 2018

The Rawalpindi educational board has to focus on announcing 2nd year result 2018, once the outcome on 9th class is successfully made public. If second year students don’t know when their marks are going to be revealed then according to official statements, the HSSC part 2 outcome is going to be announced on 12 September, 2018. 

Now, 1st year students will also want to know when their outcome is being revealed. Yes? Well, the first year outcome will get declared on 8-10-2018. So, there’s a lot of time before they get to know their marks.

Fulfill the Wishes of Your Parents 

Coming back to result of ninth class 2018, we hope that you will fulfill your parents’ wishes by gaining high marks in your exams. Because no one loves you more than your parents and they will always want the best for you. So, keep studying hard in order to make your future bright and your parents happy. In the end, we wish your best of luck for your examination’s outcome. Also, for more news and updates on your 9th result 2018 keep visiting our platform frequently.

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