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Overuse of smartphones making people inactive



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Overuse of smartphones making people inactive

When we come across the overuse of mobile sets, it generally auto-relate us towards the dumbness and laziness and yes, one more thing to remind it makes less productive, too.

Relax! Sit with heart in your hands as there are countless symptoms that the researches, scientist and even the doctors have found that is unrealistically, being happening to every one of us in many manners from which we are aware but behaves unaware.

So, some of the counted from countless symptoms of smartphones are headed below in points. I believe, that you will find them amazing if you go through them will zeal interest. Have a look! Below they are:

  • Smartphones are the reasons behind the loss of memories as the content on the screen of set is too much addicted to our brain that we find the things in our minimal life useless and we find ourselves as impairing memorized person.
  • We are getting lazy and fat just because wasted our time on scrolling down the twits and messages along with the baseless videos on the social media just for fun. Despite this, we are in actual face humiliating our bodies with gaining extra pounds and Kilograms while sitting on the couch and sofas for hours and doing nothing.
  • Using mobiles at night affects the eyesight as the rays are very harmful for not only eyes but for the brain, too.
  • Many of us are the patients of being not the patient as the insomniac attacks are being practicing by us in not letting us towards sleep.
  • In 90’s children use sleep hardly at 10 pm just because of being frightened of paranormal activities do happen at nights but now, these smartphones have steal the hunger of such those activities as most of the people roam towards the fridge to find what a capable snack could deal with their midnight hunger. Isn’t it funny?
  • People are becoming the patients of depression just because of this depression tool box. You know how? Just because of one message and call we are concluded up towards our relationship ships.
  • Oh! How can I forget migraine the main topic of discussion at every place, letting everyone towards not so tropical advices to take medicine and to visit a doctor? Seriously, will you visit a doctor on daily basis just to handle your migraine, this is insane! Just try to use less mobile and you will feel and see the best result in days.
  • Letting the mobile on vibration and on the side table of bed can be the cause of brain hemorrhage and the dead cells of brain as it can lose its working capacity.
  • Aggression is also one of its usage. Those people who are constantly indulged in its use get aggressive when their phones are taken off from them. Here, I feel petty on them!
  • More you will use it will increase your craving towards your phone and in result you will face many hard ships. Assume them how many hardships will you face? Some of them are facing failure as losing GPA, losing respect while in gathering, no fun activity then mobile activity, health hazards and in other words paralyzed.
So, these were some of the causes or symptoms of using phones without means. I’m not against its usage as I am a user, too. But get the things done on time which are not related to the phone. Look around the world is more beautiful and interesting then the phone. Live the life predict the future, sleep on time and eat healthy food on time so you could live the normal life. Do use the phone and put on the status and do scroll down the Facebook posts and twits but by staying in the limited time.

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